Blogging changes
Well, it's happening again.
Weebly has been changing into more of an e-commerce platform than its earlier incarnation as a blogging platform, and I'm not finding it nearly as easy to use anymore.
So I've been moving some of my blogs around a little. Here's where we are now...
- - located at Googel Sites now, instead of Weebly, and includes links to all of my other blogs
- Bible Bookshelf - still on Weebly (the Tumblr version didn't work out)
- Baker Street Babble - moved to Tumblr (
- Willy Wigglestick - keeping it at Wordpress (
- Bites of Bard - still at Medium
- Bible & Prayer Book - ditto
- Dallas: the Poetry of Alice K. Howell - still at Tumblr Dallas: The Poetry of Alice K. Howell (
- And this obscure CaspianRex Journal at
- Do I still have the Qoheleth blog at Typepad? Yes, it turns out I still do. Qoheleth (
There may be a few more blogs lurking about. Lord knows, I've started my share...